कम्प्युटर छितो बनाउने शर्त कर्त कि computer short court key

मनस्कार स्वागत  छ यस  आर्टिकल मा हामी आज कम्प्युटर short court key को बारेमा जानकारी दिनेछौ ।जस्को मदत बात तपाइले आफ्नो computer लाई यकदमै छितो र सजिलो बनाउन सक्नुहुनेछ । हुन त हामी अलग अलग computer मा अलग अलग key हुन्छ्न तर हामी basic जानकार सबैमा मेरो हिसाबले सबैमा यकै हुन्छ्न आज जामी besic short court key को बारेमा जानकारी देनेछौ , यदि तपाइहरुपनी कुनै computer को key समन्धित basic जानकरी पाउन चाहनुहुन्छ भने यो आर्तिकल पुरै पध्नुहोला ।
तल दियको सबै short court key  र desciption
alt + f  = file menu option in current program
alt+ E =edit option in current option
alt + tab=  switch between open program
F1= univercial most Help in almost window program
F2= rename and slected file
F5 = Refresh in current window
ctrl+ N = creat new document in current saftware 
ctrl+o = Open in current program
crt+A = Slect all text 
ctrl+B= bold change in slected text
ctrl+ I = Change in italic slected text
ctrl+ U = Change in underline slected text
ctrl+ F = Open find current document for windiw
ctrl+ S = save slecte file 
ctrl+ x = cut slected items
shift+del = Cut slect items
ctrl+c = copy slect items 
ctrl+ ins = Copy slected items 
ctrl+ v = Paste
 shift+ ins= paste
ctrl+ k = insert hyperlink slected text
crtl+ p = Print current document
HOME= go to begining of dodument
crtl+ home = gose to begining of document
end= goes ends of document
crtl+ end =goes to end of document
shif+ home= hightliht from current position begining of line 
shift + end= highlight from current position end of line 
cltr+ left arrow = move one word to the  left a time 
cltr+ rights arrows= move one word to the rights a time 
cltr+ esc =open the start menu 
cltr+ shift + esc= open window task maneger
alt + F4 = Close the current program 
alt+ enter= opent the propeties slected items 
माथिका सबै short shourt key एक पतक  try गरेर हेर्नुहोस कति सजिलै सरल तरिलाले fast बनाउन सकिन्छ ।

माथिका कुनै सब्द नबुझियमा तल comment box मा comment गरिदिनुहोला । यदि यो अर्तिकल तपाईंलाइ मन परे लाइक शेयर गरिदिनुहाला।

और नया पुराने

संपर्क फ़ॉर्म